Alternative Teaching Methods · Google Hangout · Information Literacy

4 Digital Tools for the Classroom

We at Schools’ Library Service have been using several digital tools over the last few months and would like to share how we have used them, giving examples and hopefully inspiring you to use them too. Padlet What is Padlet? Padlet is a software people can use to make and share content with others. It… Continue reading 4 Digital Tools for the Classroom

Alternative Teaching Methods · Google Hangout · Information Literacy · School Libraries · Training Courses

Inset training – How librarians can support teaching and learning.

St Anne’s school library in Alderney has undergone some big changes in the last few months. Schools’ Library Service (SLS) supports this school from a distance as we are in Guernsey which is a short flight away. This means that we only visit twice a term. On one of our visits, last year, we discussed… Continue reading Inset training – How librarians can support teaching and learning.

Alternative Teaching Aids · Google Hangout · School Libraries · Training Courses

International Skype Session at ArASL 2016

I’m delighted to be joined by Stony Evans, a Library Media Specialist at Lakeside High School in Hot Springs, Arkansas who is a guest on our blog. We shared the pleasure of co-presenting at the Arkansas Association of School Librarians and here is our journey. Introduction  (Elizabeth) Way back in January I was looking for information about Mystery Skype.… Continue reading International Skype Session at ArASL 2016

Alternative Teaching Aids · Alternative Teaching Methods · Google Hangout · Ways to Inspire Reading

4 ways we used technology to enhance our library programmes

Schools’ Library Service in Guernsey, as with many library services across the world, are always looking at how we can use innovative ideas to enhance schools library use. Over the years we have tried many things and want to share some of the activities that worked best for us. Google Hangouts Book groups and book… Continue reading 4 ways we used technology to enhance our library programmes

Alternative Teaching Aids · Alternative Teaching Methods · Google Hangout

International Hangout with Yr 10 in Alderney

As Google hangouts have become more popular with schools across the world SLS have been trying to find a way to encourage its use in our schools. Elizabeth Hutchinson, Head of Schools’ Library Service, Guernsey recently contacted Stony Evans, Library Media Specialist, Bismarck, Arkansas through twitter after reading his blog about his recent Skype sessions.… Continue reading International Hangout with Yr 10 in Alderney