Carnegie Longlist 2016 · Carnegie Nominations 2016 · Carnegie Shortlist 2016

Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley

This is one of the best teenage books I have read recently. A historical novel that really helps you understand the problems of integration during the battle for civil rights in America. This book not only gives you an insight into how the battles were won in the courts but it  really opened my eyes to the impact these decisions had on the black children who had to be the first to integrate into all white schools. The sheer bravery and understanding of why it was important for them to go through this traumatic and turbulent time was clearly demonstrated in this book. Anyone who is studying civil rights should read this book.

The second thread to this story is the love two girls have for each other. Not only was this something that people did not talk about in the 1950’s but love between a black girl and a white girls was even more of a problem. This book covers the topic with understanding and links it beautifully with the main story that focuses on why we lie to ourselves and how it is difficult to change our opinions.

by Elizabeth

One thought on “Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley

  1. I loved this book- of the Carnegie shortlisted titles I’ve read so far this one is my favourite- it had me hooked. Really believable characters and an interesting storyline which taught me a lot about a bit of history I don’t really know much about. Mostly I liked it because the people felt real, and I cared about what happened to them.


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